13 Adorable Curvy Pregnant Animals
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant guinea pig with a round belly.
PHOTO: Yueke
You might think it's a very fat zebra, but it's actually pregnant.
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant horse, looking so graceful.
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant seahorse—guess what? This seahorse is male! Male seahorses have a brood pouch where the female deposits her eggs. The eggs then hatch inside the pouch, and the male gives birth. Nature is truly amazing.
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant goat with a belly that's grown several times its normal size.
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant giraffe, which gives birth while standing. The newborn giraffe falls from a height of about 2 meters but quickly learns to stand, reaching a height of up to 1.6 meters.
PHOTO: Yueke
A goldfish about to give birth. If the adults and the baby fish aren't separated in time, the adult fish might eat most of the babies.
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant scorpion (on the left) with a noticeably larger belly compared to the one on the right—it's fascinating to see.
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant beluga whale, looking incredibly adorable.
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant stingray with a visible belly bump. Stingrays are ovoviviparous, meaning the embryos develop inside eggs that remain within the mother's body until they hatch.
PHOTO: Yueke
A pregnant seal sunbathing.