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13 Adorable Curvy Pregnant Animals

By Ashley Davis Tue, Aug 6, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant guinea pig with a round belly.

PHOTO: Yueke

You might think it's a very fat zebra, but it's actually pregnant.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant kitten with a noticeably rounded belly.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant shrimp with visible eggs inside its belly.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant horse, looking so graceful.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant seahorse—guess what? This seahorse is male! Male seahorses have a brood pouch where the female deposits her eggs. The eggs then hatch inside the pouch, and the male gives birth. Nature is truly amazing.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant goat with a belly that's grown several times its normal size.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant giraffe, which gives birth while standing. The newborn giraffe falls from a height of about 2 meters but quickly learns to stand, reaching a height of up to 1.6 meters.

PHOTO: Yueke

A goldfish about to give birth. If the adults and the baby fish aren't separated in time, the adult fish might eat most of the babies.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant scorpion (on the left) with a noticeably larger belly compared to the one on the right—it's fascinating to see.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant beluga whale, looking incredibly adorable.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant stingray with a visible belly bump. Stingrays are ovoviviparous, meaning the embryos develop inside eggs that remain within the mother's body until they hatch.

PHOTO: Yueke

A pregnant seal sunbathing.

NEXT: Unveiling the Secrets of the Deep Sea Abyss
Today, let's delve into the truth about the abyssal depths of the ocean. The so-called deep sea abyss lies below 1,000 meters, where sunlight cannot penetrate and pressure is immense. More than half of the Earth's surface is covered by these abyssal zones, yet it wasn't until 88 years ago (in 1934) that humans first ventured to its edges. To date, we have only explored about 1% of this region. So, what wonders lie hidden in the depths?

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13 Adorable Curvy Pregnant Animals

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