15 Amazing Health Facts
PHOTO: Yueke
Did you know that when suffering from anxiety, bad smells can smell even worse! It’s just one of those interesting health facts you need to know! In this article you’ll find 15 more.
1. During workouts, women tend to burn more fat, but post-workout men burn more fat.
PHOTO: Yueke
2. Repeatedly using a plastic water bottle can release chemicals into your water. Why not try a reusable bottle instead? It’s good for you and the planet.
PHOTO: Yueke
3. Brushing teeth too soon after eating or drinking can soften the tooth enamel, especially if you’ve just been eating or drinking acidic foods.
The Academy of General Dentistry recommends waiting at least 30 to 60 minutes before brushing.
PHOTO: Yueke
4. Breathing deeply in moments of stress, or anytime during the day, brings many benefits such as better circulation, decreased anxiety and reduced blood pressure.
PHOTO: Yueke
5. On average, there are more bacteria per square inch in a kitchen sink than the bathroom.
PHOTO: Yueke
There can be a number of reasons a person might be overweight, such as their genetics or environment.
Many also put it down to the lack of physical activity we do as a nation.
PHOTO: Yueke
In a study conducted by Keele University in the UK, participants were asked to submerge their hand into a bucket of cold water.
While swearing, participants reported less pain and were able to withstand it longer.
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke
Get an early night and you’ll do more than burn calories!
A healthier heart, improved memory and a stronger immune system are just a few of the benefits of going to bed early.
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke
PHOTO: Yueke