15 Signs That Somebody Is Not Okay
PHOTO: Yueke
Seeking assistance can be quite challenging. It's tough to acknowledge to yourself that you're in a tough spot, let alone to be truthful with someone else about your struggles. Yet, the truth is that half of us will encounter a mental health issue at some stage in our lives, and there's no reason to endure it in silence.
To ensure we're all looking after each other, Redditors have lately been sharing subtle indicators of mental health challenges that are often overlooked. Below, you'll discover some thought-provoking comments that might serve as a reminder to reach out to your friends and family,
PHOTO: Yueke
During my worst depressive relapses, I would constantly ask how people were doing. If someone you know is constantly asking everyone how they’re doing, if they’re okay with little to no reason to why they ask, please ask it back. I was on the verge of s*icide many times in the past and all I could ever do was reach out, ask if someone was okay, and that I love them. I was never asked it back. It’s a miracle that I’m still here.
PHOTO: Yueke
They don't have the same excitement about things they used to really enjoy.
When someone has struggled and things suddenly seem better overnight, despite there being no known reason for the change.
So you stop worrying about them. They’re better now.
You don’t realize that it’s because they made a plan.
You don’t realize that until it’s too late.
PHOTO: Yueke
Messy/dirty house. Not all people with messy houses are mentally ill, but if the state of a friend’s house is continuously deteriorating and /or simple tasks (like throwing away cans) are left undone, it’s a big sign. Sometimes someone who is struggling will clean the fridge and wash clothes but be unable to throw away mail, or pick up trash. It’s hard to explain.
Look for the guy that is constantly doing things for other people. This guy is super nice. He goes out of his way to make others happy. He is a good listener. He gives really good advice. He picks others up when they are down.
And that guy…… that guy right there…… is really….. really….. struggling.
PHOTO: Yueke
Somebody who's always tired. Especially for high functioning depressives, their home and workspace can be neat and tidy, their bills are paid on time and they are cordial when socializing. But they will always say they are tired. Depression exhaustion runs deep.
Common disassociation, just seeing someone disconnect from reality white sitting at a bench or in a friend group just breaks my heart.
Everything takes forever. I take hours to reply to texts, hours to get out of bed, hours to go to the store.
Having trouble getting out of bed, having low energy. Many people are quick to call it lazy but really we are struggling to have any energy to just wake up and exist in a world where life hasn't been kind.
PHOTO: Yueke
Hygiene is a huge one, noticing they only ever have their hair up, or rumpled clothing, if they normally wear makeup and suddenly stop for no reason. People normally notice when it gets to not showering but it can be in small ways.
Thoughtlessness, when I was in a deeeep depression and a few other smaller episodes I am under such a black cloud and demented headspace that I’ll forget birthdays, plans, leaving things out, things like that.
In a social encounter where all others are sharing their troubles, they stay silent and distant. They never mention anything wrong and when asked directly they play their answers into a corner. Sure, it may just be them doing ok, but it also could be not seeing their problems as worth the attention of others, a common depression situation.
PHOTO: Yueke
One that I think I missed was a buddy of mine that was a part of the same sport group showed up in person to one of our games to say that he was busy and wasn’t going to be around for most of the season. I felt it was strange because who comes in person to announce their absence?
The week or so later he went missing in the woods and they found his body 3 days later. I don’t know if it was an accident or s*icide and I don’t want to reveal too many details of it, but if your gut says something's off, then go with your gut.
You haven’t heard from them in six months. But your ego says that you shouldn’t contact them because they didn’t contact you.
PHOTO: Yueke
Irritability. It's everything other then you but it's hard to see that when someone is treating you negativley. Its overlooked as a symptom of other issues. Including depression, cptsd, and stress response.