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18 Unfortunate Coincidences That Will Definitely Make You Laugh

By Ashley Davis Tue, Aug 13, 2024

We've all had those moments when we witness something incredibly unfortunate or awkward and think, 'Oh, that's just unlucky.' We've gathered some hilariously awkward coincidences that might just brighten your day.

PHOTO: reddit

1. This elementary school teacher has just about the worst possible name for teaching little kids

PHOTO: reddit

2. This high school teacher has just about the worst possible for name teaching teenagers

PHOTO: reddit

3. And this employee really, REALLY hates that her company's name tags only use an initial for the last name

PHOTO: reddit

4. I really can't think of a worse name for someone working at an Apple Store

PHOTO: reddit

5. This author and illustrator should really think about only using her first name, like Cher or Beyoncé

PHOTO: reddit

6. And this Republican's name is just a little too on the nose

PHOTO: reddit

7. This sticker on a Beatles' biography entitled The Longest Cocktail Party really gives the wrong idea

PHOTO: reddit

8. This sticker on a pie box is also very unfortunately placed

PHOTO: reddit

9. And this misspelling REALLY changed the intended meaning

PHOTO: reddit

10. And this SUV backed off the ledge of a parking level...onto a state law enforcement vehicle

PHOTO: reddit

11. This unfortunately designed logo for an art contest...stinks

PHOTO: reddit

12. And this typo really doesn't bode well for these schools

PHOTO: reddit

13. This juxtaposition of CNN headlines makes it sound like Serena Williams has gone to war against North Korea

PHOTO: reddit

14. And this cake was supposed to have the Deathly Hallows symbol from Harry Potter on it, but there was a communication breakdown somewhere along the way

PHOTO: reddit

15.This sign malfunction makes it look like the store is insulting its clientele

16. Ah-ha! What goes around, comes around. Even bunny ears.

17. He and his socks were made to be together.

18. Time traveler alert!

NEXT: How Food’s Tempting Allure Always Wins Us Over (33 PHOTOS)
Ah, food—the irresistible siren call that beckons us from every corner, whether it's the tantalizing aroma of fresh-baked cookies or the glossy allure of a perfectly seared steak. Just when you think you've mastered the art of restraint, there it is again, whispering sweet nothings into your senses. It’s a battle of wills where the stomach always seems to win, and we're left wondering, “How did that cupcake just magically appear in my hand?” Buckle up for a deliciously fun exploration of why food is always finding new ways to tempt us, and how we can navigate its delicious traps with a smile and a full belly.

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