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30 Weird Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

By Ryan Cooper Tue, Aug 13, 2024

Get ready to have your mind blown with some of the quirkiest and most intriguing facts from around the world. These 105 oddities span history, science, and pop culture, proving that reality can be just as wild as fiction.

1. Ancient Dentistry: Did you know that dentistry is one of the oldest professions? Evidence shows that humans have been practicing dentistry since 7000 B.C. 2. Early Cinema: The very first feature film ever made was "The Story of the Kelly Gang," created in Melbourne, Australia, back in 1906. 3. Roman Surgeons: Ancient Roman surgeons had to be skilled at blocking out the screams of patients to perform their work effectively. 4. Chimpanzee Co-Host: From 1953 to 1957, NBC's "Today Show" had a chimpanzee co-host named J. Fred Muggs, who was a huge hit, bringing in around $100 million for the network.

5. Rose Family: Apples, peaches, and raspberries might taste different, but they all belong to the rose family. 6. Space Geocaching: There's a geocache on the International Space Station that was placed in 2008 and has been visited four times by astronauts. 7. Mac and Cheese Madness: Canadians are the top consumers of macaroni and cheese in the world. 8. Scottish Folly: In 1826, Scotland attempted to build a replica of the Parthenon that was both larger and cheaper. It was never completed and is now known as “Scotland’s Folly” or "Edinburgh's Disgrace." 9. Presidential Pets: French General Lafayette gifted John Quincy Adams a pet alligator, which Adams kept in the White House bathtub and enjoyed showing off.

10. Earthquake Predictors: Snakes have an uncanny ability to sense earthquakes up to 75 miles away, up to five days before they occur. 11. Hollywood Tradition: The famous hand and footprints in front of Los Angeles’s Chinese Theater began by accident when silent film actress Norma Talmadge stepped into wet cement. 12. Yawning Facts: An animal’s yawn length correlates with the size of its brain—the bigger the brain, the longer the yawn. 13. Guinea Pig Laws: In Switzerland, it’s illegal to own just one guinea pig, as they are social animals and are considered to be victims of abuse if kept alone.

14. Lego Overload: There are more Lego mini-figures in existence than there are people on Earth. 15. Gaming Surgeons: Surgeons who play video games at least three hours a week perform laparoscopic surgeries 27% faster and make 37% fewer errors. 16. Cellophane’s Original Purpose: When invented in 1908, cellophane was initially meant to protect tablecloths from wine spills. 17. Feline Mayor: The town of Talkeetna, Alaska, once had a cat named Stubbs as its honorary mayor. Stubbs served in the position until his death in 2017. 18. Pringles Burial: Fredric Baur, the creator of Pringles, requested to be buried in a Pringles can. His children honored his wish. 19. QR Code Headstones: Modern headstones can now feature QR codes, known as “Living Headstones,” which link to pages with photos, videos, and messages from loved ones. 20. Andre the Giant’s Security: The NYPD assigned an officer to follow Andre the Giant during his drinking outings to prevent him from accidentally injuring someone.

21. Berry Confusion: Contrary to popular belief, a strawberry is not technically a berry, but a banana is. 22. Vegan Snacks: Many popular snacks, including Hershey’s chocolate syrup, Ritz Crackers, DumDums, and Oreos, are vegan. 23. Lightsaber Sounds: The iconic sound of a Star Wars lightsaber was created by combining the noise of an idle film projector and the hum of an old TV set. 24. Regrowing Tonsils: If not all the tissue is removed during a tonsillectomy, your tonsils can partially grow back. 25. Beach Restrictions: In Israel, it’s illegal to bring bears to the beach. 26. Pig Beach: There’s an uninhabited island in the Bahamas called Pig Beach, which is home to a population of swimming pigs.

27. Saliva and Taste: Humans need saliva to taste food—without it, our taste buds are ineffective. 28. Sahara Snow: On February 18, 1979, it actually snowed in the Sahara Desert for about 30 minutes. 29. Fight Club’s Starbucks: In every scene of "Fight Club," there’s a hidden Starbucks coffee cup. 30. Shakespeare’s Curse: William Shakespeare’s tombstone bears a curse meant to prevent anyone from moving his bones. These facts show that the world is full of astonishing, humorous, and downright bizarre information. Next time you're looking to impress someone with your trivia knowledge, remember these wild facts and keep the conversation lively!

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