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Can Cats Eat Lima Beans? Vet-Reviewed Precautions & Health Guidelines

Copyright Source: Yueke Wed, May 15, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

Beans are a global staple, enjoyed for their flavor and high protein content. Lima beans, also known as butter beans, are among these popular legumes. If you’re a fan of lima beans and cook with them often, you might wonder if they’re safe for your cat.
Can Cats Eat Lima Beans?
Yes, if your cat has recently snagged a lima bean or two, they should be fine. However, lima beans aren’t ideal for a cat’s diet. Here’s why.
Health Benefits for Cats?
Lima beans don’t offer significant health benefits to cats. Despite being high in protein, lima beans don’t provide the type of protein that cats, as obligate carnivores, need. Cats require nutrients that only meat can supply. While lima beans contain protein, it’s not highly digestible for cats. Your cat might occasionally enjoy a lima bean as a treat, but it’s more likely they’ll play with it than eat it.
Drawbacks of Feeding Lima Beans to Cats
Feeding too many lima beans to your cat can cause gastrointestinal upset as their bodies struggle to process them. Additionally, if your cat fills up on lima beans, they might eat less nutritious foods, leading to nutritional deficiencies over time.
Important Things to Know About Lima Beans
While cooked lima beans are not toxic to cats, raw and uncooked ones are. Uncooked lima beans contain linamarin, which converts to cyanide when ingested, making them potentially toxic. Although your cat is unlikely to eat enough raw lima beans to cause more than stomach upset, cyanide poisoning is a risk. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning in animals include restlessness, rapid breathing, and drooling. If your cat shows these symptoms, contact your vet immediately.
Never feed raw lima beans to your cat. When cooking lima beans, keep them plain without seasonings, as some, like onion and garlic, are toxic to pets, and others can cause stomach upset.
Final Thoughts
If your cat steals a lima bean from your plate, there’s no need to worry. However, there are no nutritional benefits to feeding them lima beans. Always ensure lima beans are cooked and plain to avoid toxic seasonings. As long as you follow these guidelines, your cat should be fine.
NEXT: Carpet-Licking Cats: What’s Going On?
Cats can be quirky and unpredictable, making it challenging to understand their behavior. If you’re wondering why your cat is licking the carpet, it might be normal or indicate an underlying issue. Here are some common reasons for this behavior. 5 Reasons Why Your Cat Is Licking the Carpet 1. It Might Taste Good Cats have an excellent sense of smell and may lick the carpet if it has food or drink residue. If you want to stop this behavior, try distracting your cat with a toy or use a cat-safe deterrent spray. A thorough carpet cleaning might also help. 2. Comfort Behavior Cats often lick and suck on objects as a comforting gesture. If your cat is licking the carpet while lying down and kneading, it might be a sign of relaxation. Ensure your cat’s needs are met and try redirecting this behavior to another object if it bothers you. 3. Boredom Cats, like humans, can get bored. Licking the carpet might be a way for your cat to entertain themselves. To keep your cat engaged, introduce new toys, play with them, or provide new climbing structures like a cat tree. 4. Behavioral Disorders Anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorders can cause cats to develop pica, which includes licking non-food items. Signs of stress in cats include reactivity, aggression, digestive issues, excessive grooming, scratching, inappetence, increased sleeping, isolation, and urinating outside the litter box. Pheromone diffusers can help calm your cat, and consulting a veterinarian for advice on managing stress and anxiety is a good idea. 5. Disease Pica can result from poor diet or malnutrition due to gastrointestinal diseases, parasites, or cancers that prevent nutrient absorption. Licking might be a coping mechanism for feeling unwell. A thorough examination by a veterinarian can rule out any underlying health issues. Frequently Asked Questions Should You Worry About Your Cat Licking the Carpet? If your cat isn’t ingesting fabric and is generally healthy, occasional carpet licking might not be a concern. However, if the behavior is frequent or your cat starts ingesting the carpet, consult a veterinarian. Be cautious with cleaning products, as they can cause oral and gastrointestinal irritation. Why Does Your Cat Lick You and Then Bite You? Cats often lick you as a form of grooming but might bite if they want to play or if you’ve irritated them. Pay attention to their body language to understand their intentions. Conclusion There isn’t a straightforward answer to why your cat licks the carpet. Some causes are innocent, while others require attention. If the behavior persists, consult a veterinarian to rule out any health issues. Monitor your cat for signs of gastrointestinal problems and seek veterinary help if needed.
