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Can Cats Eat Takis? Vet-Reviewed Precautions & Health Guidelines

By Ashley Davis Wed, May 15, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

Did you know that cats only have 473 taste buds1? Humans have about 9,000 taste buds. This means that a cat lacks a lot of flavor sensors, mainly sweet and also spicy. These flavors simply don’t register the same as with us when a cat eats them. Whether they can taste them or not, cats shouldn’t eat spicy foods, like Takis, as most spicy foods contain harmful ingredients like onions, citric acid, and chili powder. So, can cats eat Takis? No, Takis contain harmful ingredients to your cat and can cause stomach upset and other negative signs.

Takis are Mexican rolled tortilla chips eaten by many spicy food lovers. They can be flavored with chili, lime, and salt. So, what’s in Takis? What makes them spicy? Below is a list of ingredients these chips contain:

Takis are exceptionally spicy and salty, meaning they can be dangerous for your cat to ingest. Most cats are sensitive to the capsaicin found in spicy foods like chili powder. It may cause digestive irritation and upset, including vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Eating high amounts of onion and garlic, or garlic and onion powder, can cause an upset stomach, loss of appetite, bowel disturbances, and dehydration. Garlic and onions are in the Alliums family, which are highly toxic to our feline friends, potentially resulting in red blood cell destruction if eaten in high enough amounts.

Another ingredient, salt, depending on how much was ingested, has the potential to be harmful to your cat. If your cat consumes too much salt, they may experience excessive thirst, lethargy, and diarrhea, among other severe signs.

Though rare, some cats can have an allergy or intolerance to corn. For these cats, eating Takis could result in digestive issues or scratching, ear infections, and other skin issues.

Yes, Takis are bad for cats. The ingredients in Takis chips are harmful and don’t benefit your cat. So, what if they got into your bag or ate a few chips? Don’t panic. First, you may choose to monitor their signs closely and provide plenty of water to flush their system.

A healthy cat requires high amounts of protein, moderate levels of fat, and few carbs. Cats are known carnivores, so they require a high meat-content diet to stay healthy. Feeding them commercial cat food formulated for their specific needs is more sustainable than feeding them human food though they are able to handle some healthy human treats like apples, carrots, and lean, cooked meats in moderation. Always talk to your vet before giving your cat any human food.

Cats play a vital role in our human lives as they help us emotionally, mentally, and physically. As a responsible cat owner, you will want to support your cat’s needs in every way, so avoiding Takis is best as the ingredients can cause digestive and other issues.

If your cat accidentally eats some Takis, keep an eye out for any of the signs mentioned in this article. If any signs persist longer than 24-48 hours, call your vet. Takis will likely not severely harm your cat, though they may make them uncomfortable for a few days.

NEXT: Can Cats Eat Veggie Straws? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ
Human treats are not known for being “healthy”. The average potato chip is mostly fat, oil, and salt, with artificial additives and flavorings and zero nutritional value. Enter: Veggie Straws, a crispy vegetable snack (shaped like a short straw) that sounds like a healthy alternative to our beloved Ruffles and Pringles. Pet parents might wonder if Veggie Straws are okay for me, what about my cat? With their incredible sense of smell, cats can easily sniff out something tasty they wish to eat, but sadly, and often to their disappointment, cats should not eat Veggie Straws or any other processed human treat. Veggie Straws are a type of potato-based “vegetable chip” widely marketed and pushed as a healthy snack or treat for humans; a fun and tasty way to add healthy vegetables into our diets, with lower fat content than the average potato chip. When we look at the actual contents of these products, however, these claims are a little far-fetched. None of those ingredients have any use in the diet of an obligate carnivore. In terms of nutritional values for humans, a single serving of Veggie Straws (68 straws/50 g) has 250 calories, 14 grams of fat (22% RDA), 430 mg of salt (18% RDA), and trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. They might be “healthier” than the average snack, but a far cry from a ‘great way to get more vegetables into your diet.’ No, your cat can’t eat Veggie Straws, and that should be the end of the conversation, but let’s dive deeper. The Sea Salt and the Cinnamon Apple flavors contain no toxic ingredients, but all the other recipes contain toxic ingredients, so regardless of how much your furry friend persists, they must not be offered to your cat. Many of these other flavors contain onion and garlic powder, both of which are toxic to cats. The milk and cheese contained in many of the flavors may cause gastro-intestinal upset as many adult cats are dairy intolerant. These products are high in sodium (salt), starches, sugar, and oils. They also tend to be higher in fat and calories than many other feline-safe treats. Importantly, they contain less than 1 g of protein per 28 g serving, and cats require a protein-rich diet. All in all, the balance of nutrition in Veggie Straws is far from ideal for a cat and can cause problems for your cat’s weight and mobility if fed regularly over a long period of time. If your cat has eaten a Veggie Straw or two, check the package carefully to ensure there is no onion or garlic in the ingredients. If either of these ingredients are listed, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice. You have many options to give your cat as a treat, as well as plenty of human food that is both safe and healthy. Try a selection from the list below, although not all at once! Avoid those that may cause allergies or intolerance. Remember that treats for your cat should only make up around 10% of their daily calorie intake. Always check with your veterinarian that the food you wish to offer is safe for your cat and their individual health status. Cats are known as obligate carnivores. This means they must get their protein from animal meat, rather than plant sources. They have a few extra nutritional requirements when compared to dogs, humans, and other species, which are: For this reason, cats must eat animal meat and cannot be fed a vegetarian or vegan diet. Nor can these extra necessary nutrients be added as a supplement. Failure to provide your cat with taurine, arginine and arachidonic acid results in serious health issues, potentially leading to their death. Cats also require a much lower level of carbohydrates than humans and dogs and derive most of their energy from proteins and fats. Their specific dietary requirements mean cats should be fed high-quality, age appropriate complete cat food to ensure they get all the nutrition they need to live long, healthy lives. There are plenty of safe foods that cats can eat as an extra snack or treat on top of their daily diet. While the number of snacks offered needs to be limited, many tasty foods can still be enjoyed by your cat while still providing quality, safe and healthy options to them. Veggie Straws are not a safe or nutritious treat choice, so should be avoided. If you have already been feeding your cat Veggie Straws and are concerned about the effects on their health, then have a chat with your veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist who can best advise on the next steps.

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