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Can Cats Eat Yams? Vet-Approved Nutrition Facts

Copyright Source: Yueke Wed, May 15, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

Yams are a big part of meals in autumn and winter. As you prepare for holiday dishes, you may be wondering if you can share some of your yams with your cat. Or, if your cat likes to sample food from the counter, if it’s safe to eat yams?

Yes, cats can eat cooked, plain yams, but there are disadvantages for some cats. You also have to be cautious about the other ingredients that are often included in these recipes.

Yams are a variety of plant species belonging to the genus Dioscorea. Yams are a type of tuber vegetable that’s native to Africa, though they’re cultivated in temperate and tropical regions of South America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania.

Though yams and sweet potatoes are used interchangeably, they’re not quite the same thing. Yams are darker than sweet potatoes and have a bark-like skin with white, purple, or reddish flesh. When cooked, yams are creamier than potatoes and have a flavor closer to yucca.

In addition, true yams should not be consumed raw. They contain phytic acid and oxalates. Sweet potatoes may not be a pleasant experience to eat raw, but cats will likely just get an upset stomach if they do so.

Fortunately, cats can eat both true yams and sweet potatoes—as long as they’re cooked. As mentioned, true yams are toxic when raw. Phytic acid is considered an anti-nutrient as it binds to minerals and stops their absorption. While a small amount is not likely to harm your cat, large amounts over time may cause a problem. Phytic acid content can be reduced by soaking followed by cooking. Oxalates increase your cat’s risk of developing urinary stones formed from oxalate such as calcium oxalate. Oxalate content is reduced by boiling but not other cooking methods. Sweet potatoes should also be cooked before feeding because they can cause some mild digestive upset, but they aren’t toxic in their raw form.

Too much plant based food is likely to cause cats to have an upset stomach, as they are not designed to digest this well. Yams and sweet potatoes also need to be plain to give to your cat. Common recipes contain ingredients that aren’t healthy or may even be poisonous.

For example, candied yams (sweet potatoes) are popular for holiday get-togethers. Traditionally, this meal is made of yams or sweet potatoes with brown sugar, marshmallows, and a lot of butter. Eating this much sugar can lead to an upset stomach and over time weight gain which will make your cat susceptible to joint problems, diabetes and urinary issues.

You may feel bad denying your cat these treats that we enjoy, but keep in mind that it appears that cats can’t even taste sweets. So, all that sugary goodness is lost on your cat anyway.

Cats are obligate carnivores and need meat to survive and thrive. Though they need some carbohydrates, they get everything they need in the perfect balance from their high-quality commercial cat food. Yams are great for humans but pose some problems to cats. A small amount of cooked yam is unlikely to hurt most cats. If your cat is on a urinary diet or is prone to urinary issues it is best to stay away from yams altogether.

Make sure yams or sweet potatoes are completely plain and cooked with no seasoning, sugar, sauces, fats, or any other ingredients.

Yams and sweet potatoes are safe for most cats when they’re plain, peeled, and completely cooked. If you want to give your cat a little bit of yam, you can offer a teaspoon or two on occasion, but it’s better to stick to commercial treats for your cat to avoid disrupting their complete diet. In addition if your cat has urinary problems avoid yams altogether.

NEXT: Why Do Cats Like Treats So Much? Vet-Reviewed Reasons
It’s no secret that cats love treats, although the preference for taste and texture varies between individual cats. Is there a reason that cats love treats so much, though? Why do they love treats more than their food? In the US alone, cat parents spend around $3 million per year on treats, so clearly there’s something to it! We all know that “treats” often taste much better than the foods we eat all the time, and it’s fair to assume that it’s the same for cat treats. However, it isn’t just the flavors in the treats that make them more appealing to your cat than their regular food. Commercial cat treats are often packed with flavor enhancers. They also often have a strong smell, which increases their appeal to many cats. Treats are also nutritionally different from cat food. They’re often made with more fat and calories than cat food, making them extra tasty and appealing to your cat’s instinctual desire to consume nutrient-dense foods. Much like cookies, cakes, chips, and sodas for people, cat treats are formulated specifically to appeal to your cat’s palate. Some cats may be picky about food textures, which is why some cats will only eat kibble or wet food while others will eat just about anything you give to them. The texture of treats can vary from liquids and mousses to crunchy or chewy. There’s definitely a treat texture to appeal to every cat! It may take a few tries to find the treats that your cat prefers, especially if they’re a picky eater, but once you find the right treat, your cat will be begging for more. Many cats love to bring dead animals or toys they’ve “hunted” to their owners. One reason they do this may be to replicate mother-kitten instincts, as a mother cat would teach their young how to hunt and eat food by bringing prey for them. Cats also bring home what they have hunted to an area they feel safe and comfortable in. Whatever the reasons for the ‘gifts’ your cat brings you, the ritual of giving food to others is important for cats and people. When you give treats to your cat, you’re strengthening the bond between the two of you by not just giving your cat food but giving them food that is designed to appeal to their senses. How “good” a treat is for your cat can vary significantly between treats. Nutrient profiles and flavor profiles differ, making it difficult to overtly say that all treats are “good” or “bad.” What can be said, though, is that treats are exactly that—treats. They are not intended to be a major part of your cat’s diet. In fact, treats should not make up more than 10% of your cat’s daily calorie intake, and keeping that level closer to 5% is ideal. Although highly appealing to cats, treats are not formulated to meet the nutritional needs of any cat. They simply do not contain the correct levels of vital nutrients to keep a cat healthy on their own. When fed in moderation, most treats can be considered safe for your cat. Cats with special food needs may need special treats, so make sure to talk to your vet about treats before offering any to your cat if they’re on a special diet or have any medical conditions. Any treat can be bad for any cat if not fed to them properly. Overfeeding treats, even to healthy cats, can lead to serious medical problems, especially in the long run. Obesity can be detrimental to the health of your cat, and it often goes hand in hand with other conditions, like arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. Most cat treats can significantly impact the progress of your cat’s weight loss if they’re on a diet. If your cat is under veterinary care to lose weight, then you should talk to your vet about appropriate treats for them. Some vegetables that are high in fiber and low in calories, like green beans and broccoli, can be good treats for cats, and some cats will eat these foods. The best approach for feeding treats to a cat that needs to be losing weight is to have your vet help you calculate the appropriate calorie intake for your cat every day. This will allow you to know how many treats your cat can have per day. Just make sure to count the calories your cat consumes in treats as part of their daily intake. Check out the package of treats you get for your cat and determine how many calories are in every treat. A 3-calorie treat has the opportunity to be offered very differently from how you’d have to offer a treat that has 45 calories. Cats have a very low-calorie need per day compared to people, so it’s extremely important to lean on your veterinarian for guidance on feeding and treating your cat appropriately. Avoid table scraps and “people foods” that have not been approved by your veterinarian, as these foods may be dangerous for your cat.

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