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Is Argan Oil Safe for Cats: Vet-Reviewed Health Concerns

Copyright Source: Yueke Wed, May 15, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

Argan oil is often found in cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. It’s also commonly used as a carrier for essential oils. Some evidence suggests that it may benefit humans, including hydrating skin and hair, and even help reduce inflammation.

The oil can be used for cooking and even as a condiment, much like olive oil. Although studies have been carried out regarding the safety and effectiveness of argan oil when used by people, similar evidence is lacking regarding cats. To be safe, it’s probably best not to feed argan oil or use it topically on your cat.

Argan oil is often used as a carrier for essential oils. Undiluted essential oils are often applied topically or inhaled in aromatherapy. They’re also regularly added to cleaning products and air fresheners. Essential oils contain distilled aromatic chemicals from plants.

It’s possible to find more than 90 types of essential oil, which have unique uses. Peppermint oil is often used to help digestive health, and tea tree oil is used to combat infections. However, regardless of the various benefits they provide humans, essential oils and argan oil are not safe for cats.

Essential oils and cats are an extremely bad combination. Several popular oils are toxic to cats, including tea tree, peppermint, and pine oils. Cats don’t have the proper liver enzymes to break down some of the chemicals in essential oils efficiently. They can become quite ill from ingesting or absorbing the products through the skin.

Cats can consume essential oils after walking through spills and licking their paws clean. Signs of essential oil poisoning include drooling, vomiting, lethargy, and a lack of coordination. If your cat has managed to get essential oil on their fur or skin, use a bit of dishwashing detergent to remove it to limit absorption.

Contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your cat has come in contact with any essential oil. Make sure to have the product your cat was exposed to on hand so you can provide accurate information and write down a few key facts your veterinarian is likely to want to know, such as how long ago your cat was exposed and if you’ve seen any signs indicating your buddy may be suffering from toxin ingestion.

Argan oil comes from the argan tree, also known as Argania spinosa. The tree can be found in dry areas in parts of southern Morocco between the Sahara Desert and the Atlas Mountains. They can grow to heights of up to 25 feet and feature yellow flowers in spring.

Argan oil has a long and storied history in North Africa. The tree has been used for wood and oil since the 11th century or so, and it’s long been incorporated into Moroccan diets and beauty routines. Traditions surrounding the argan tree are on the United Nations’ list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and part of the area where the trees grow natively has been named an International Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

General hair loss, dermatitis, itchy skin, sores, infections, tumors, and dandruff are just a few common feline skin issues. Because skin conditions share similar signs, it’s important to have dermatological problems evaluated by a veterinarian for accurate diagnosis to ensure proper treatment.

Veterinarians usually rely on a physical examination along with answers to questions such as when the issue first showed up, what kind of food your cat is eating, and if anything has changed at home that may be stressing your pet. Needle aspirates and biopsies are sometimes used to narrow down the causes of potentially concerning growths.

High-quality food is essential for helping cats’ skin stay supple and well-nourished. When cats don’t get all the nutrients they need, their coats become malnourished. Keeping up with flea and tick prevention can also minimize several skin problems. Cats that are stressed sometimes groom themselves too much, but pheromone products can help manage anxiety.

Many people swear by the health benefits of argan oil, and it’s commonly added to lotions, moisturizers, shampoos, and conditioners. It comes from a tree that grows in southern parts of Morocco, but the oil has become popular worldwide. Unfortunately, little evidence demonstrates the safety and effectiveness of using argan oil on cats. To keep your cat safe and healthy, avoid using argan oil or essential oils around your cat. If your cat has a skin condition or other health issue, your veterinarian can provide an effective treatment.

NEXT: When Is Pet Cancer Awareness Month? When Is It & Important Facts
It is many pet parents’ worst nightmare to receive the devastating news that their beloved pet has cancer. This unfortunate disease can affect different types of pets around the world, from our cherished felines to feathered birds, and even hamsters. An estimated 30 to 40% of cats may suffer from cancer 1, with nearly a 1 in 5 chance of developing it 2. These are concerning statistics, and it’s therefore understandable why Pet Cancer Awareness Month was created. Pet Cancer Awareness Month was created to bring awareness and raise funds for pets with cancer. The month can be celebrated in November by any pet parent or supporter. Pet Cancer Awareness Month was created by the Animal Cancer Foundation in 2005. The month is celebrated around the world and aims to bring awareness to cancer in pets. Funds are usually raised through donations to support comparative oncology research for both humans and pets. This research is incredibly important to understand naturally occurring cancers and provide pet parents with more insight into this devastating disease and possible treatments. According to VetMed, feline cancer is not well-represented, and more research is needed. There seems to be less information on feline cancer than in dogs, which is quite concerning to cat parents and veterinary experts alike. Cancer in pets has no definite cure yet, and many pets fight a long and hard battle against this disease. Pet Cancer Awareness Month has been celebrated annually in November for over 18 years now. The month takes place from the 1st of November to the 30th of November each year. Helping to raise awareness about pet cancer and supporting the fundraisers that happen during Pet Cancer Awareness Month is a great way to celebrate the day. Otherwise, the day can be focused on loving your cats with cancer, whether they are currently fighting the battle, have overcome it, or already lost their lives. The Animal Cancer Foundation recommends we uplift others fighting cancer. This can be done by taking part in their awareness walk or inviting friends or family to join it. You can also share photos or videos of your cats on social media with the hashtag #curepetcancer. You could even share your cat’s cancer stories on social media and your favorite photos of them too. If you are not fond of social media, you could speak about your pet’s cancer stories to friends or family. Some pet parents prefer to celebrate by lighting a candle every day in remembrance of their pet who lost their lives to cancer. Pet Cancer Awareness Month is all about bringing awareness to pets with cancer during November. It happens annually with efforts to raise funds for more research to understand how cancer can affect both pets and humans. Some people prefer to bring awareness during the month by partaking in fundraiser walks and social media posts, while others prefer a more private celebration to honor their pets.
