What to do if moths infest your wardrobe – and how to stop them coming back
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Fri, Jul 12, 2024
PHOTO: Yueke
**What to Do If Moths Infest Your Wardrobe – And How to Stop Them Coming Back**
There's nothing worse than discovering your favorite clothes have been completely ruined by moths. However, one expert has a rather unconventional yet straightforward hack that could save you a lot of trouble. Sharing her advice on social media, the specialist from 'Purdy and Figg' revealed a moth-repelling secret that might even prevent these pesky insects from returning.
"If you find moths in your wardrobe, start by placing all your clothes in a sealed bag and putting them in the freezer overnight," she advised in a post. "This will eliminate any remaining eggs. Afterward, wash the clothes on a delicate cycle to ensure they are clean."
For more tips and information, visit [this article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/article33073682.ece?widgetId=23860023).
There's nothing worse than discovering your favorite clothes have been completely ruined by moths. However, one expert has a rather unconventional yet straightforward hack that could save you a lot of trouble. Sharing her advice on social media, the specialist from 'Purdy and Figg' revealed a moth-repelling secret that might even prevent these pesky insects from returning.
"If you find moths in your wardrobe, start by placing all your clothes in a sealed bag and putting them in the freezer overnight," she advised in a post. "This will eliminate any remaining eggs. Afterward, wash the clothes on a delicate cycle to ensure they are clean."
For more tips and information, visit [this article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/article33073682.ece?widgetId=23860023).
**How to Make DIY Stain Remover at Home That 'Works Like Magic'**
You may shy away from wearing white because you're worried about stains, but panic no more! There's a simple concoction that will banish pesky spills from your beloved clothes.
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Your heart sinks when you drop something on your best white t-shirt, leaving you to wonder why you even bothered to wear it. But according to a TikTok user, you only need to ensure you've got four ingredients in your cupboard at all times—along with a bit of water—that work wonders to remove stains when mixed together.
His video explaining the trick has amassed more than 34,000 likes, and people were amazed that the concoction really removed stains when rubbed on with a toothbrush.