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hould Your Cat Snack on Fritos?

Copyright Source: Yueke Wed, May 15, 2024

PHOTO: Yueke

Our cats love getting into all kinds of goodies in the home. Fritos might be an odd request for most cats, but some cats may be attracted to the salty snack. If you find that your cat is drawn to Fritos, you might wonder if they are safe for them to consume. Fritos are certainly not a top-notch snack, and should not be fed to our pet cats.

Some flavors of Fritos contain ingredients that are toxic to cats. If your cat has got into a bag of Fritos that you left unattended on the coffee table, you will need to look closely at the packet and call your vet if the ingredients include garlic or onion powder. Both onion and garlic are toxic to cats. Original flavored Fritos don’t contain any toxic ingredients but they still offer no nutritional value to your cat, and you should avoid letting your furry friend eat them when possible.

As you probably already know, Fritos are not a nutritious snack. They contain very little of value for people or pets and all flavors except the “Original” and “Lightly Salted” contain ingredients that are toxic to cats. So, if you are trying to find a tasty snack to give your cat, Fritos shouldn’t be on the list.

The toxic ingredients that some flavors of Fritos contain are onion and garlic powder. Some flavors also contain cheese and milk which some cats can react badly to. Onion and garlic are part of a group of plants called Alliums which are toxic to cats. They cause gastro-intestinal upset, and more seriously, they cause the breakdown of red blood cells, leading to anemia. You will need to be in contact with your vet as soon as possible if your cat has eaten a flavor containing onion or garlic powder.

Cats are obligate carnivores that require a meat-rich diet. Fritos contain no ingredient that is designed to nourish a cat’s system. While one Original flavored chip is unlikely to cause any negative effects, it can impact your cat’s overall health long-term if they eat large quantities regularly.

As mentioned there are many flavors of Fritos, some of which contain ingredients that are toxic to cats. The table below outlines the flavors that contain toxic ingredients and those that don’t but it’s always crucial to check the packet of the flavor your cat has eaten to ensure it is safe. If you aren’t sure, call your vet and let them know the ingredients, so that they can check for you.

Each of these flavors has a different list of ingredients. Some contain only a handful of ingredients, while others are quite extensive. No matter the type of Fritos you enjoy, your cat should avoid all of the additives contained in many of the flavors, as they serve no purpose in the diet whatsoever.

You might wonder why the non-toxic flavors are still not recommended for cat snacks. There are several factors to consider. Let’s go down the list.

A cat’s body is adapted to process food that is high in protein and low in carbohydrate. Although they can efficiently metabolize and use carbohydrates, they don’t need much of them at all. So a high carbohydrate snack such as Fritos is not an appropriate choice for a cat.

Fritos might be full of calories, but not the good kind! So how is something deemed an empty calorie snack? Empty calories come from foods that have little or no nutritional value. They aren’t good for our cats so it is best to give them other sources of calories that also give them valuable nutrition.

Fritos are extremely high in sodium. Your cat doesn’t need extra sodium outside their regular commercial diets. Particularly in Fritos Original, a 28g serving (32 chips) contains 170 mg of sodium; that is 4.8mg per chip 1. This is incredibly high for anyone, cats included.

Too much sodium in the diet can lead to a severe condition called salt toxicity or hypernatremia. Hypernatremia can occur when too much salt enters the bloodstream. However, a 3kg cat would have to consume about 6g (⅓ tablespoon) of salt and have limited access to fresh water for this to be likely 2. However, if your cat consumes a whole bag of salty chips, it might be a possibility.

If you suspect your cat has eaten a large number of Fritos and it is showing any of the above signs, get them to your vet immediately as it can be a rare but life-threatening condition.

In one serving of Fritos (28g), there are 10 grams of fat and very little of any other beneficial nutrients at all. This is a large amount of fat to consume as empty calories. If your cat is consuming a serving of Fritos, that means they will increase their overall fat intake.

Too much fat in the diet can lead to an increase in body weight, leading to obesity. Obesity is a recipe for other health issues to develop—like mobility problems and diabetes.

Even cats that are underweight and require weight gain don’t need these sorts of fats in this quantity. They need fats from healthy animal sources.

Fritos can contain many artificial flavors and preservatives, depending on what flavor you get. Cats can be very sensitive to these additives, making them unsuitable for your companion to snack on.

While the Original Fritos only contains three ingredients, other recipes contain yellow 5 lake, yellow 6 lake, blue 2 Lake, red 40, and artificial flavors.

Salt is a flavor that your cat can detect, unlike sweetness. So the chances of them being drawn to Fritos is pretty high. However, they probably won’t take time to eat the snack in its entirety. A few licks might suffice, and then they could be on to the next.

However, every cat is different. Some of them will enjoy the taste and texture more than others. If your cat is interested in eating Fritos, it’s best to ensure they are out of reach, especially those flavors that contain toxic ingredients.

So now you know that your cat shouldn’t have Fritos, but what can they have? Since cats are obligate carnivores, keeping in the realm of species-specific nutrients is best.

These protein-filled snacks will hit the spot for your cat!

So no, cats should never eat Fritos. Many flavors contain toxic ingredients and those flavors that aren’t toxic are not beneficial. If your cat has eaten Fritos, it is important to carefully check the packet to ensure that there are no toxic ingredients contained. If you are at all unsure, it is always best to call your vet for clarification and assurance.

Remember, even if your cat is attracted to human snacks, it does not make them suitable. Most of the time, processed foods are a no-go. So, it’s best to keep cats out of your Fritos bag.

NEXT: Can Cats Eat Nuts? Vet Approved Facts & Safety Guide
Cats can enjoy eating many different kinds of foods. With that being said, cat owners must still be mindful of what types of food and treats their cats eat because certain foods can still be bad for cats, even if they’re not toxic to them. Most nuts are in this category of foods that aren’t generally toxic to cats, but they’re still not safe to eat. It’s also important to note that some types of nuts can be dangerous for cats to eat and should be completely avoided. It’s best to refrain from feeding your cat any type of nut. Here’s what you need to know about nuts and how they can affect your cat. There’s no denying that certain nuts have nutritional benefits. However, the health risks outweigh these benefits for cats. First, nuts tend to contain a lot of fat and are calorie-dense foods. While cats need a certain amount of fat in their diet, eating too many needs can quickly lead to weight gain. In some cases, cats may be at risk of developing pancreatitis if they eat a lot of nuts over a prolonged period of time. Cats can also get an upset stomach or experience digestive issues if they eat too much fat in one sitting. Another issue with nuts is that they can be a choking hazard for cats. Their hard texture can be difficult for cats to chew, especially for kittens, smaller cats, and senior cats. This can cause them to accidentally swallow them whole. Nuts and seeds can also get stuck between your cat’s teeth easily, and it can be challenging to pick them out. Food that gets stuck in your cat’s teeth can lead to plaque and tartar buildup and other dental issues. Certain nuts have added dangers when it comes to cats. Avoid feeding your cat macadamia nuts at all costs. Macadamia nuts are known to be toxic to dogs. While it’s still unclear as to whether they are toxic to cats and the components of a macadamia nut that may cause toxicity, it’s possible that your cat will get an upset stomach from eating one and it’s best to avoid letting your cat eat them. Cats should also avoid eating walnuts and pecans because these nuts are prone to growing mold. While the nuts themselves aren’t toxic, the mold can be toxic to cats and cause gastrointestinal issues, tremors, and seizures. Other types of nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews, are generally considered safe if your cat eats one or two. But they may cause stomach upset in large amounts and they don’t provide a lot of nutrition for your cat. If your cat successfully sneaks in a bite of a nut, look for signs of choking. Cats that are choking can cough, gag, and make raspy sounds whenever they inhale. They can also show signs of distress, stretch their necks outward, and stagger around. If your cat is choking, stay calm and restrain your cat safely so that you can check their mouth. If you can see the nut, you can use your index finger to dislodge and remove it. If you can’t see the nut, call your vet for emergency advice which make include taking your cat to an emergency animal hospital right away. Make sure to get your cat evaluated after an event of choking to ensure they haven’t sustained any non-visible injuries. If your cat isn’t choking, it’s still helpful to check their mouths and see if any pieces are stuck between their teeth. Continue to monitor their condition and be on the lookout for signs of gastrointestinal upset. If your cat eats any toxic or dangerous nuts, make sure to contact your veterinarian or an animal poison control hotline right away. Time is of the essence, and it’s better to be safe than sorry and get your cat professional help if needed. Many cats are known to have picky palates. So, it can be challenging to find a replacement for nuts if your cat takes a liking to them. However, there are some alternatives you can try giving to your cat. First, try feeding your cat crunchy cat treats. Some cats may enjoy the crunch that comes from chewing on nuts. Crunchy cat treats also usually come in savory flavors that are more palatable for cats, so there’s a good chance your cat will enjoy eating them more. Some cats may find nuts as entertaining toys that they can eat after they’re done playing with them. If you find that your cat enjoys batting around nuts on the ground, you can try to replace them with small cat balls. If your cat loves the taste of peanuts, you can try feeding them peanut butter instead. Pet stores are often stocked with pet-friendly peanut butter that’s free of added sugars and preservatives and low in sodium. Just keep in mind that these types of peanut butter still have a high fat content. So, they should only be given in very small quantities and as occasional special treats. Nuts aren’t recommended for cats to eat. Fortunately, there are many other safer alternatives that they can enjoy. If your cat does manage to eat a few nuts, make sure to monitor their condition. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian or an animal poison control line. Utilizing these resources will ensure your cat gets the proper care they need after eating potentially dangerous foods.
